04 Oct 2012

China's 2011 Scholar Award Recipients

Funding for the Scholar Award program is provided through support of IPNI member companies, primary producers of nitrogen, phosphate, potash, and other fertilizers. Graduate students must also attend a degree-granting institution located in any country with an IPNI Program.
Dr. Jin (L) and Dr. Chen (R) delivering the Scholar Awards.

Mr. Li Wang started his Ph.D. program in 2010 at the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning in Beijing, China. His dissertation is titled “Study on the Mechanism of Adaptation to Water and Low Potassium Stress of Different Potassium-Efficient Cotton Genotypes.” Objectives of his study involve comparing two cotton genotypes for growth dynamics, biomass, K partitioning, K use efficiency, anatomical structure, root hair, quantity of soil microbes, and morphology of roots. For the future, Mr. Li intends to continue research and extension work on plant nutrition and soil fertility to help optimize fertilizer use.

Ms. Chuan Limin is pursuing her Ph.D. at the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Beijing, China. Her dissertation title is “Nutrition Management and Fertilizer Recommendation in Wheat Based on Yield Response and Agronomic Efficiency.” A native of Hebei, Ms. Chuan earned her Master’s in 2010 at the Hebei Agricultural University of China. Her research is focused on using the QUEFTS (Quantitative Evaluation of Fertility of Tropical Soils) model to derive appropriate nutrient recommendations to maximize yield and optimize nutrient use efficiencies in wheat. In the future, Ms. Chuan hopes to be in a faculty position at a leading university of work in a scientific role with an international research institution.

Ms. Ying Xia is working toward a doctorate degree at Wuhan Botanical Garden in Hubei, China. Her research work is on understanding the mechanism of utilization of K in cotton genotypes with different K efficiencies through root box, water culture, and grafting experiments. This research will provide more scientific information that could be used to develop new approaches to improve K use efficiency. Ms. Xia has an impressive resume of academic achievements, awards, patents, and publications. For the future, her goal is to become an agricultural scientist.

The IPNI Scholar Award recipients are selected by regional committees of IPNI scientific staff. The awards are presented directly to the students at their universities and no specific duties are required of them. Graduate students in the disciplines of soil and plant sciences including agronomy, horticulture, ecology, soil fertility, soil chemistry, crop physiology, and other areas related to plant nutrition are encouraged to apply.
