27 Apr 2015

First Committee Meeting of CAAS-IPNI Joint Lab for Plant Nutrition Innovation Research

CAAS-IPNI Joint Lab Meeting

On April-20, 2015, the first Committee Meeting of CAAS-IPNI Joint-Lab was held in Beijing. There were more than 16 participants involved in this meeting.
The meeting was chaired by Dr. Feng Dongxin, Deputy Director General, International Cooperation Department, CAAS. First, the introduction and global cooperation overview of CAAS and IARRP was introduced by Dr. Feng Dongxin and Dr. Xu Minggang, Deputy Director General, IARRP. Then, Dr. Terry Roberts, President of IPNI, made an introduction about IPNI global themes. Afterwards, three brief introductions about IPNI management, science communication and message transfer and IPNI China strategy were presented by IPNI Vice Presidents, Mr. Steve Couch, Dr. Rob Mikkelsen and Dr. Adrian Johnston, respectively. Finally, Dr. He Ping made a presentation on Joint Lab operation including progress and future plan about the innovation research, scientific exchange, personnel training and education, etc. Discussions on how to seek funding for Joint Lab operation and how to make solid exchange channels and connection for graduate students have been deeply undertaken during the committee meeting.
Other participants included Dr. Shen Jianbo, China Agricultural University, Ms. Zhai Lin, Deputy Division Chief of Department of International Cooperation, CAAS, Dr. Yang Peng, Division Chief of Research Management, IARRP, CAAS, Dr. Tu Shihua, and Dr. Li Shutian, IPNI China Program.

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