12 Oct 2014

Nutrient Expert gained the good field performance for rice

Dr. Ping He participated mid-term evaluation of 973 project held in Wuhan. Dr. Ping He was involved in Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation in topic 5 that including Nutrient Expert wheat, maize and rice. Field visit to rice was conducted on August 13, and field observation from rice growth indicated that Nutrient Expert (NE) recommendation with 165-60-90 kg N-P2O5-K2O/ha had a very good field performance as compared with soil testing with 180-60-90 kg N-P2O5-K2O/ha and farmer's practice (FP) with 225-75-90 kg N-P2O5-K2O/ha. For NE, N fertilizer was applied as 40%, 30%, and 30% for basal before transplanting, first top-dressing as tillering fertilizer and second top-dressing as spiking fertilizer, respectively, and K was applied 50% to 50% for basal and top-dressing applied together with the first N top-dressing. Same N splitting style and only one K application for soil testing. For FP, 70% of N was applied was basal and the rest 30% as the first N top-dressing, and one K application. P fertilizer was applied as one basal application for all practices. The good performance for NE was from not only the right rate, but also the right time. The evaluation committee affirmed the nutrient management principles and also the field validation for Nutrient Expert based fertilizer recommendation.

Rice Nutrient Expert field experiment

More about: 养分专家